Nurture Young Minds Develop Safety Culture 001

Safety culture is defined as the way in which safety is managed in a workplace. It is the combination of beliefs, perceptions and attitudes of employees toward the safety of workers and the overall safety of the work environment. Cultivating a safety culture is a key aspect in maintaining workplace safety. A positive safety culture is the culture of a workplace in which all the employees think of safety as an important thing and behave in a way that prioritizes their own safety as well as the safety of those around them. This includes using proper personal equipment, following the safety laws and just generally being conscious of safety and safe practices at all times.

Importance of Safety Culture in the Organization

The safety culture is a set of practices (ways of doing) and a mindset (ways of thinking) which is widely shared by the members of the organization when it comes to controlling the most significant risks associated with its activities. It is not something which is specific to each individual. Rather, it is a characteristic of a group or of the entire organization.

  1. It is the organizational initiatives, actions, exercises, processes, habits, training and education and relationships, etc., which that pool to establish the core principles and values of the organization.
  2. It is the overall mindset of what employees think about safety at the workplace. It reflects their feeling to be working in a safe organization.
  3. It is a subset of the culture of the organization. It represents not necessarily well articulated expressions of how and why things are done within the organization.
  4. Organization with a positive safety culture is characterized by communications founded on mutual trust, by shared perceptions of the importance of safety and by confidence in the efficacy of preventive measures.
  5. Shared values (what is important) and beliefs (how things work) which interact with the organizational employees, structures, and control systems to produce behavioral norms (the way the things are being done).
  6. It is the set of beliefs, norms, attitudes, roles, and social and technical practices which are concerned with minimizing the exposure of employees, managers, customers and members of the public to conditions considered dangerous or injurious.

Nurture Young Minds

When Nurture young minds, habit formation becomes easier. When the habit is practised by all people in the society at all times, it becomes a culture.
Nurturing includes looking after, take care, protection, support, encouragement and ensuring healthy growth. It includes awareness, repeated training, constant effective communication in creative ways, conscious practice is a focused way, constant monitoring and feedback, encouraging safe behaviour and discouraging at risk behaviour.
Creating a culture involves all sections of the society. Prime role is played by the parents, teachers, society, friends and government legal framework. Training and development, effective and non-stop communication, and encouragement, monitoring and feedback.
When the mind is young it is easy to form a habit. When the habit is practiced all the time by all the people of the society, it becomes a culture.

Why it is easy to Nurture Young minds?

New energy and perspective

Young employees can bring fresh perspective and a different way of thinking to your business. Most young workers are eager to learn, build their experience and apply their skills in the workforce. This enthusiasm is great for team building, productivity and workplace morale.

Workforce development

Young people are used to learning. If they have just come out of school or tertiary education, they will still retain a mindset that will help them absorb training more readily. As they don’t have a huge amount of previous experience, young people are essentially a ‘blank slate.’ This affords your organization an opportunity to develop a workforce of young people specifically trained to meet their organization’s needs and culture.

Tech advancement

Young people have grown up around technology. Their natural affinity for tech and their ability to apply and understand different technologies quickly sets them apart from other generations in the workforce. Young people have a positive and important impact on driving the business forward in the adoption and use of new software and technology.


When unexpected circumstances arise, younger people are better equipped to respond to sudden change. This can be of great benefit in the shifting landscape of the modern-day workplaces where process, technology and priorities are constantly changing. With economic, social and political boundaries in a state of flux, adaptability gives young people an advantage in a work environment that is more agile, changeable and fast-paced than ever before.

Easily trained

Since young people are new to the work environment they are more disciplined and less likely to act smarter than the employer. Young people seek exposure to learning opportunities and so it becomes easier to train and mold them according to the company’s requirements.

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